My Story

Brought up by a mother who was way ahead of the curve when it comes to respecting our planet, my sister and I grew up in an environment that was deeply rooted in respect for Mother Nature, from the food we ate, to the clothes we wore as well as the education that we were so lucky to receive. 
My love for design was apparent already as a child. I spent many hours sewing, knitting, generally creating; hardly do I remember a time when I was not excited by colour, print, texture, or the way a beautiful piece of clothing could make you feel - both on the inside and the outside. I  recall vividly my mother's annual book-buying pilgrimages to London made bearable by the few moments that were spent in amongst the rails of pretty printed cotton dresses in Laura Ashley - although rarely resulting in a purchase.
Following a 30-year-long career in International Fashion, Studio Wylder is a fusion of my wholesome childhood, a training in fashion design and technology and my former corporate fashion career.
I am also mother to four amazing children - Tehya, Tallulah, Amelie & Gabriel - my models and muses. 
I hope you will find joy in the natural fabrics and effortless, season-less silhouettes produced with the welfare of the natural world and it's people as our priority.